As a learning practitioner for the past 23 years, I have seen so many tools being used for identifying how people get perceived by people. There is Johari Window, 360 surveys, psychometric tools, New Manager Integration sessions and many more tools.
When we use any of the tools mentioned above, there is a huge part of that assessment done by our brains. The feedback at times is extremely strong but my brain tells me, can you ease the person into the feedback. Am I sounding judgmental? Is my feedback too colored by the lenses I am wearing ? How will this feedback come and impact me in the future? And hence at times, we see the participants giving feedback choosing the middle path. I am not saying these tools are not effective. If done right by an experienced facilitator, these tools can yield a lot of good insights.
What if for a moment, you gave your brain a break and asked your hands to do the thinking? What if you could build a connection between who you are and how you are perceived by others. After all, the way I see myself isn’t the same as how you see me. but can that be shared in a non-judgmental, harsh way.
I recently experienced the Identity building exercise using LEGO SERIOUS PLAY . In the workshop , I was first tasked to create my identity using Lego bricks
And I made this (Ref Image 1)
I watch everything with my yellow eye. The two people reveal that I am always by your side once I decide and care is my core value. I’m open to ideas. The wheel symbolises my work speed. Finally, the red bridge symbolises my role as a team bridge.
Some of you may disagree with this interpretation of me. What really matters here is- this is how I think I am.
In the next round, one of my peers had to build an extension of how he saw me, which he added to my identity. Do note that he had only experienced me for 2 days in the workshop. When he added his own piece(ref Image 2), this is what he shared with me –
You’re focused, know how to overcome hurdles, and can quickly establish a bridge to success. ou see that as a bridge on the model over small Lego bricks as obstacles.
You watch your company’s revenue. The bridge has a little money Lego brick. You focus on successes represented by the 2 big ferns.
Yes, intriguing! I reflected after he shared. Big aha moments. My thoughts on those reflections. I can’t give you everything that easy 😊
The process was open and honest. The facilitator ensured we stayed true to the process. It doesn’t matter what the “why” is. Why did he say this or why did he not experience me this way? As a participant, I can choose to change or not and discover my aspirational identity. But that’s for stage 2. But wouldn’t you be curious to find ways to connect your personal identity with your external identity and make a plan to make your aspirational identity come alive. Why does it have to be this vs that?
With LEGO SERIOUS PLAY , I was able to experience the power of the same. I got clarity on my personal belief system, my values, my contributions, connections, and finally the impact I have on others.
Curious about how LSP Can help you and your leaders? Happy to connect with you and share more .

Wouldn’t you be curious to find unbiased, deep ways to identify your internal identity with your external identity in a method which a non-judgmental, unbiased way ensuring care.
What if you could build a connection between who you are and how you are perceived by others. After all, the way I see myself isn’t the same as how you see me.
I gave my brain a break and asked my hands to do the thinking? Wondering How?
I recently experienced the Identity building exercise using LEGO SERIOUS PLAY .
In the workshop, I was able to build a connection between who I am vs Who I am perceived to be :
Model 1 – Made by me – I watch everything with my yellow eye. The two people reveal that I am always by your side once I decide, and care is my core value. I’m open to ideas. The wheel symbolizes my work speed. Finally, the red bridge symbolizes my role as a team bridge.
Model 2 – Made by my peer after 2 days of observation – I see you as someone who is very focused, you know how to get over obstacles and you can easily build a bridge over all these obstacles to achieve success . (The bridge on the model over small Lego bricks). You have an eye on the revenue for your firm. (marked by a small currency Lego brick fixed on the bridge). You focus on successes shown by the 2 big ferns.
Interesting Right! I reflected after he shared. Big aha moments.
The process was open and honest. It doesn’t matter what the “why” is. Why did he say this or why did he not experience me this way? It was about how he experienced me.
With LEGO SERIOUS PLAY , I was able to experience the same. I got clarity on my personal belief system, my values, my contributions, connections, and finally the impact I have on others.
Curious about how LSP Can help you and your leaders? Happy to connect with you and share more .